Dr. Georgi Dragolov

Dr. Georgi Dragolov
- Sozialer/gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt
- Subjektives Wohlergehen
- Ungleichheit
Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang
Seit Juli 2021: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Projekt "Values in Crisis - A Crisis of Values" am Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine Soziologie / Makrosoziologie, Fakultät für Humanwissenschaften, Institut II, Fachbereich Soziologie
2018 bis 2021: Postdoctoral Fellow, Psychology and Methods, Jacobs University Bremen
2012 bis 2018: Research Associate, Psychology and Methods, Jacobs University Bremen
2018 - PhD in Soziologie, Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences
2018 - PhD in Sociology, Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (Titel: “Revising the Link between Inequalities and Subjective Well-being: How Does Income Inequality Make Us Un-/happy?”)
2010 - MSc in Sociology and social research, Utrecht University
2008 - BA in Integrated Social Sciences, Jacobs University Bremen
In Peer-Reviewed Journals (Auswahl):
Delhey, J., Boehnke, K., Dragolov, G, Ignácz, Z.S., Larsen, M., Lorenz, J., & Koch, M. (2018). Social Cohesion and its Correlates: A Comparison of Western and Asian Societies. Comparative Sociology, 17(3-4), 426–455.
Dragolov, G., Larsen, M. & Koch, M. (2018). Level, Trend, and Profiles of Social Cohesion in Asia. In Bertelsmann Stiftung (Ed.), What Holds Asian Societies Together? Insights from the Social Cohesion Radar (pp. 69-95). Gütersloh: Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung.
Dragolov, G., Ignácz, Z., Lorenz, J., Delhey, J., Boehnke, K, & Unzicker, K. (2016). Social Cohesion in the Western World. What Holds Societies Together: Insights from the Social Cohesion Radar. Cham (CH): Springer International.
Delhey, J. & Dragolov, G. (2016). Happier together. Social cohesion and subjective well-being in Europe. International Journal of Psychology, 51(3), 163–176.
Delhey, J. & Dragolov, G. (2014). Why Inequality Makes Europeans Less Happy: The Role of Distrust, Status Anxiety, and Perceived Conflict. European Sociological Review, 30(2): 151-165.
Doctoral level
Cluster analysis with Stata, Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences, SS 2019 / WS 2019 / SS 2020
Graduate level
Econometrics in Supply Chain Management, Jacobs University Bremen, SS 2019/2020, main instructor
Introduction to Quality of Life Research, National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia), WS 2017, co-instructor
Advanced Quantitative Methods, Jacobs University Bremen, WS 2011, teaching assistant
Undergraduate level
Empirische Sozialforschung – Statistik, Hochschule Bremen, SS 2018/2019/2020, main instructor
Applied Statistics with SPSS, Jacobs University Bremen, SS 2020, main instructor
Statistical Modelling with SPSS, Jacobs University Bremen, WS 2018/2016, co-instructor
Data Analysis and Statistical Inference with SPSS, Jacobs University Bremen, SS 2016, coinstructor
Statistical Methods I: Exploring Relationships and Comparing Groups, Jacobs University Bremen, SS 2015/2014 (co-instructor), SS 2012/2011 (teaching assistant)
Statistical Methods II, Jacobs University Bremen, SS 2012, teaching assistant